2025 High School Writers Institute

Leap of the Imagination

Join Us June 9-13 at the University of St. Thomas!

2025 High School Writers Institute Cost Questions

  • When you enroll your child in the High School Writers Institute, you will read and agree to the following cancellation and refund policy:

    By enrolling my child, I understand and agree that the High School Writer’s Institute will provide:

    • Through May 1, at 11:59 p.m., a refund for full tuition minus a $75 cancellation fee for each child.   

    • From May 2 through May 10, at 11:59 p.m., a refund of 50% tuition for each child.

    • After May 10 at 11:59 p.m., no refunds will be given.

    • No prorated refund will be provided for students who miss a day or partial day of Camp.

  • The High School Writers Institute is an intensive writing workshop, and daily participation is important for student success. We recognize the importance of incremental learning, especially for skills such as writing. Your teen will gain skills and focus through regular attendance at the Institute for the full day's session each day of the Institute. No refunds are made for illness or lack of attendance for any reason.

  • Payments may only be made online using PayPal. A confirmation email will be sent following registration, with more details arriving closer to camp. A waiver will be emailed for completion by June 9, the first day of Camp. No payment plans are available, and the full tuition is due at the time of registration.

    Regrettably, if payment is not made at the time of registration, the student’s enrollment cannot be guaranteed.

  • Yes! Due to the generosity of our benefactors, scholarships are available for interested students. If you would like to donate for a scholarship to the High School Writers Institute, please click here to donate to Catholic Literary Arts

    If you wish to apply for a partial scholarship, please click here to find the scholarship application form. The deadline to submit an application is 11:59 p.m. CST on April 20, 2025. Applicants will be notified of acceptance or denial no later than April 30, 2025. 

    If you have any questions regarding the application process, please email cathla.org@gmail.com or call 713-331-9342.

  • Early Bird Registration Rates for registration through March 30, 2025 are: First child = $300, second sibling = $275, third and more = $250 each.

    Regular Registration Rates for registration after March 20, 2025 are: First child = $350, second sibling = $325, third and more = $300 each.

    As an example:

    The first child is always $350.
    The second child is always $325.
    The third child, fourth and fifth, etc. child is always $300 each.

    In other words, if a parent registers five children, the first child will be charged $350. The second is $325, The third, fourth, and fifth will be charged the "Third child and above" rate.

  • Students receive about 20 hours of high-quality classroom instruction with published authors and professional teachers, a publication of the camp’s student digital anthology with a portfolio of each student’s best writing, and a final performance.