2025 Annual Sacred Poetry Contest
Contest Information
We welcome you to the 2025 Sacred Poetry Contest. We look forward to reading your work. This contest has been conceptualized and created to encourage poets to write the truths of God’s world and word. We bring the best of the contemporary visionaries who use the medium of poetry to respond to curated artwork, both historic and from our own era.
Please read the guidelines and information below carefully. We encourage your review of prior years’ winners, which are available on our website.
The 2025 Sacred Poetry Contest opens December 1, 2024, and ends at 11:59 p.m. CST on March 31, 2025.
Guidelines for the Contest:
All poems submitted should be ekphrastic poems written in response to or inspired by one of the pieces of art presented in this contest.
An ekphrastic poem may take many different approaches to writing in response to a work of art. For instance, it may:
describe one or more of its features,
imagine the circumstances of the scene taking place,
give voice to a figure or object in the artwork, or
address the artwork as a whole, etc.
Two well-known examples of ekphrastic poems are Ode on a Grecian Urn by John Keats and Musee de Beaux Arts by W.H. Auden.
We are looking for poems which display the following characteristics.
Technical Proficiency: the poet employs devices of sound and language, form, and image, in fresh and powerful ways.
Creativity: the poem reveals a unique, unexpected approach. The poem speaks to the power of the visual image and taps into the eternal perspective of a spiritual journey toward the Trinitarian God.
The Search for Truth: the poem grapples with some aspect of the human condition within the story of salvation history.
First place prize: $250
Second place: $200
Third place: $150
The three prize-winning poems will be published on the Catholic Literary Arts website. The three winning poets will be awarded a membership at the Writer’s Level to Catholic Literary Arts. Winners must complete IRS Form W-9 before payment.
All poems must be original, unpublished in print, on the web, or in limited edition books.
Simultaneous submissions are not allowed.
Submissions should be primarily in the English language.
International submissions are welcome, provided Paypal will process the entry fee.
Line maximum per poem: 48 lines, excluding title or stanza breaks.
Format: all poems must be in 12 pt. font in a typeface of Times New Roman, Arial, or other easy to read typeface. We regret that we're unable to accept handwritten pages.
Form: all verse forms and free verse are accepted.
Entry Fee: $25 for up to three poems. Poets are limited to a single entry of up to three poems.
Entry is open to poets aged 16 or older on the date of submission.
All submissions are handled through Submittable.
Click the button to submit your poem.
All judging is blind. The name of the poet must not appear on the poem itself or in the file name when the poem is submitted. There are no exceptions to the blind-judging requirements. The Submittable system will direct each poet to completion of a form that stores the poet's identifying information.
This year's final judge is award-winning poet Sally Read. She will select winners from among the finalists selected by our preliminary judges.
Text and Contest Parameters (Submittable):
One fee of $25. Up to three poems may be submitted. Only one submission per poet. Files may be .doc, .docx.
Instructions for Poets:
On the Submittable form, alongside the title for each poem, please include the number and title of the sacred image to which your poem is a response. The name of the poet must not appear in or on the poem itself or in the file name when submitted. A list of the images and artists is given for your convenience.
Click on an image for a larger view. Scroll through the larger images using the left and right arrows.
1. Robert Puschautz - My Grandfather: My Saint Joseph
2. Eric Armusik - Saint Jerome
3. William Adolphe Bouguereau - Compassion
4. Hieronymus Bosch – St. John the Baptist in Meditation
5. Giovanni Di Paolo - Catherine of Siena Invested with the Dominican Habit
6. Giulio Romano - The Madonna and Child w/ Saint John the Baptist
7. Unknown Medieval French Artist - Saint Elzéar Curing the Lepers
8. Charles Sprague Pearce - Sainte Genevieve
For more information about the artists, visit their website:
William Adolphe Bouguereau - Compassion (Public Domain)
Hieronymus Bosch – St. John the Baptist in Meditation (Public Domain)
Giovanni Di Paolo - Catherine of Siena Invested with the Dominican Habit (Public Domain)
Giulio Romano - The Madonna and Child w/ Saint John the Baptist (Public Domain, The Walters Art Museum)
Unknown Medieval French Artist - Saint Elzéar Curing the Lepers (Public Domain, The Walters Art Museum)
Charles Sprague Pearch - Sainte Genevieve (Public Domain)
Deadlines and Dates:
The contest opens for submissions 12/1/24.
The contest ends 3/31/25 at 11:59 p.m. CST.
Winners will be announced on the Catholic Literary Arts website by May 1, 2025, 11:59 p.m. CST.
The judge’s comments will be posted along with the text of the winning poems, visual image, and link to author’s websites, if applicable.
All non-winners will be notified by May 5, 2025, via Submittable.
Virtual Reading by Winners and Finalists
We invite all poets and friends to attend a joyous virtual celebration via Zoom on Monday, May 5, 2025, 7:00 p.m. CST. This free event will give us an opportunity to enjoy sacred poetry read by the poets themselves.
Our final judge Sally Read will attend this virtual celebration and read previously prepared comments on each of the three winning poems.
Click here to register for Virtual Reading by Winners and Finalists.
Meet Our Final Judge
Sally Read is editor of Word on Fire’s 100 Great Catholic Poems and an award-winning poet in her own right. Her first collection since her conversion from atheism to Catholicism, Dawn of this Hunger, was the fruit of her time as poet in residence at the Hermitage of the Three Holy Hierarchs. Sally’s poetry has been recorded for the UK’s Poetry Archive, and her writing, in both poetry and prose, has appeared in numerous publications and anthologies, including The Times Literary Supplement, The Picador Book of Love Poems, and Forward’s Poems of the Decade. Her poetry has also been featured on BBC Radio, and episodes of her Radio Maria England show, “Poetry for the Season,” are available on Spotify.
Sally has written lyrics for the sacred music of Paul Flynn, and their songs have been performed by The Palestrina and Trinity College Chapel Choirs in Dublin. Her memoir Night’s Bright Darkness recounts her conversion, and her following book, Annunciation: A Call to Faith in a Broken World, was the subject of a short film by Norman Servais for EWTN Great Britain. Sally’s literary memoir, The Mary Pages, is newly released from Word on Fire.
More information, including details of Sally’s poetry consultancy, can be found at www.sallyread.net. Sally lives by the sea near Rome in Italy.